09 November 2005

Tests, The Amazing Race, and Brad Pitt

So this is my second post...crazy I know. So I mentioned a test in my last post. I took that test yesterday. I also probably failed that test yesterday. It happens every year around this time. It's close to Thanksgiving break and then the long Christmas break and I just become apathetic about class and tests and basically I just quit caring about everything school related. So my "A" will probably suffer because of it. Oh well, don't care. Actually this post is going to be more geared to my dislike of some aspects of the Florida team on The Amazing Race: Family Edition. So Team Florida (even though I've watched the show every week I don't remember their names) is slowly driving me crazy and here's the reason: they're rude and awful people. The whole time they talk about how they're trying to live a Christian life and that the other teams hate them for being who they are. I think only one of those statements are true and it ain't the first one. They got upset when the Paolo team yielded them. They got upset when the other teams wouldn't talk to them. Basically they get upset whenever anybody sneezes (or doesn't sneeze) in their direction. Yet after all that, instead of being the bigger people, they talk trash about the other teams. They talk about how rude the other teams are. They've made a few nasty comments about the Paolo team's dad and how he drives a garbage truck. All the while claiming to live Christian lives. It's hypocritical and it's ridiculous. I wish that they would just come in last and leave the show. It also makes me want to scream when they make such a big deal about having to go to race tracks to do detours or road blocks. I know that they're dad died at a race track and I think that is truly awful and I feel bad that that happened to them but crying about going to a race track to do a stunt or whatever is just stupid. They just seem to get worked up and I'll bet it's not all about going to the track but more about them being tired and just wanting to whine. It's not like they even have to drive a real race car or that they're in any danger AT ALL. The first time they had to ride a bike and the second time was a go-kart. How terrible! For a million dollars I think I wouldn't object to dodging cars at Indy if they asked. This post is way longer than I wanted it to be so I'm going to stop now while I'm ahead. I just wish the Florida team would do the same.

Movie Review: Snatch
So does everyone basically know the premise of Snatch? Well it's very complicated and it spins a web of stories but basically it's all about a diamond. And not just any diamond. A diamond the size of your fist. Everyone in the movie has this diamond in their possession at least once even if only for a few minutes. However, It's also not all about the diamond at the beginning. Confused yet? Yeah I was too. Until I watched it about 3 times. I also had to watch it that many times to understand what the hell Brad Pitt was saying because he plays a Pikey. A Pikey is a gypsy with a heavy accent and weird slang. He does an excellent job of playing a character that is crude and yet still likeable. He's also pretty funny which is good because it lightens the mood from the rest of the film. My favorite character is Turkish thought. He's trying to earn an honest living by putting together underground (illegal) boxing matches and he gets involved with an unsavory character named Bricktop. Things continue to go downhill for Turkish when Brad Pitt's character (Mickey) one-punches Turkish's boxer and puts him in the hospital. Then Turkish has to use Mickey in a fight or become pig food. The diamond is also in there somewhere.
It's one of my all-time favorite movies because I like movies that introduce characters seperately and then weave them together with a story and this is probably the best one I've seen do that. All the acting is superb and Guy Ritchie (Madonna's husband) is a genius. (I'll have to forgive the fact that he directed the aforementioned Madonna in Swept Away which was by far one of my all-time LEAST favorite movies...I don't want to talk about it.) But in Snatch, Guy had awesome screen shots and the music fit the feel of the film perfectly. It has humor and drama and action and twists that totally caught me off-guard. It's just a dark comedy that becomes funnier each time you watch it.

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