07 November 2005

Time to study...or start your own blog.

Well, this is my first post so I guess that I should start off with a little something about myself. I was thisclose to studying for my Immunology test tomorrow and then decided that maybe starting my own blog would be better. I'm a grad student at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL and I'm currently also a teaching assistant (glorified babysitter...although, ironically, I don't get paid as much as I did when I WAS a babysitter...save that for later) which means that I teach 4 Intro to Bio labs each week. Not too bad because taking 6 hours sure beats the hell out of taking 18. Anyway, I just graduated from undergraduate college in July and decided that since I couldn't find a high-paying job in biology that I would just go to graduate school before I transfer to pharmacy school next year. So that's where I'm at right now in my life. Interesting, huh? Yeah, I don't think so either. The thing about it is that I really really wish that I was a film director. I could have gone to film school but decided that being a doctor or pharmacist was more lucrative because a trillion people want to either be in the movies or make them and it's really a lot harder to break into that business than it is to get through med school or pharmacy school. That's why I dedicate most of my life to watching movies rather than studying to make them. I also quote movies all the time...but then again, I think that most people do. So each time I post on my blog I will give a rundown of the latest movie I've seen (doesn't have to be new in theaters but it can be) and what I think about it and then YOU can post your comments or whatever.

This post's movie: JARHEAD
So, I just saw this movie on Saturday and was surprised at how tame it really was. I thought that from the way the previews were that it was going to be closer to Full Metal Jacket than Three Kings. And it wasn't even that close to Three Kings. I thought there was going to be more gore, more violence, and just plain more. It seemed like the characters were semi-well developed even though there was almost no background given on any of them. I also thought I was going to cry at some point because, once again, from the previews it looked like there was a lot of drama that was going to happen but it just didn't seem to get around to it. It seems like some things would escalate and then *poof* nothing else was said about it and it was over. It kind of left me wanting to know more, which maybe was what Sam Mendes was going for all along. But I'm not a Marine so maybe I just didn't understand because I've never done or seen anything like they have firsthand. Either way, I still liked this movie. I thought that Jake Gyllenhaal (I love you Jake wherever you are!) gave a convincing performance because I'm almost positive that had I been in a war I would probably lose it sometimes like he did if not more so (I'm a girl, but you know what I mean). And I really liked Peter Sarsgaard in his role. But I've liked him since I saw Garden State. There's just something about his expressions that you seem to see all of him when he's talking. It's almost like he seems completely vulnerable yet withdrawn at all times. I just hope that people don't try to look at this movie from a political standpoint. There were a few things in the movie that were political but they were cut short with a sort of "screw it, we're here" attitude. I don't believe this is a political movie. This movie in the basic sense is just about human emotion in the time of war.

Now that I have gotten the intended message across (hopefully) it's time to further my education and read a little Immunology. I promise that in the next post I will try to add a little more humor because I'm very funny. Seriously. No but really, I am.

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